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What does “faith without works is dead” mean?

Quick Answer: What does “faith without works is dead” mean? James 2 is talking about living faith (which includes a decision) versus dead faith that even the demons have. James is encouraging his readers to be like Rahab and open the door to God’s message. James is instructing his readers to imitate Abraham by offering themselves to God just as Abraham offered Isaac. Faith without decision is dead faith.

Diving Deeper: Three times in James 2, the apostle states that we are justified by works.Yes, that’s right – he actually says we are justified by works, and this cannot be skirted. Therefore, this challenging expression must be addressed in context.

Some have suggested that James simply means that we are justified before men by our works. However, the passage is clearly about what kind of faith can “save” us (James 2:14). So, this position seems untenable as James is clearly contrasting living, saving faith with dead faith.

Instead, James 2 is better understood when we look at the three examples of “works” in the passage. Here, James is not referring to a lifelong track record of works done after salvation. No, in each case, James is talking about a work (decision made) in response to God’s message.

First, James talks about “giving what is needed” as opposed to simply believing. A truly saved person has given their life to God (to be crucified, buried, and raised to newness of life). This is more than simply agreeing with theological facts. It is opening one’s heart to God Himself.

Second, James gives us the example of Abraham. How many times did Abraham hoist his son Isaac on the altar? One time. Abraham did not offer his son Isaac over and over. This is not about a lifelong record of works, but instead about the one-time response to God’s message.

Third, James cites Rahab the harlot and her decision to open the door to the spies. Once again, this is not about her lifelong track record of works, but instead it’s about her one-time response to God’s message.

James is saying even the demons believe but they are not saved. What differentiates us from the demons is that we believers have responded with living faith to the Gospel message. Essentially, James is saying that faith without decision is dead faith, while faith with a decision to open the door of your life and offer yourself to God is living faith.

If you are in Jesus Christ, then you have already met the requirement of James 2. You have opened the door of your life to Christ and offered yourself to Him. Your faith is a living faith, because it was accompanied by a response to the Gospel.

Let’s Make It a Conversation!
1. How have you heard this passage explained in the past?
2. Did you agree with past teachings on it? Why or why not?
3. How do the examples of one-time responses help you understand it better?
4. Do you have a “living” faith? If so, explain why based on this passage.

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