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Might animals (pets) go to Heaven?

Quick Answer: Might animals (pets) go to Heaven? While it’s sad to lose a household pet, there’s no passage of Scripture that directly states they’ll be in Heaven. However, the Bible is clear that there’ll be no tears or sorrow for us in Heaven (Revelation 21:4). This means there will be no regrets or emotional pain over our pets.

Diving Deeper: Losing a pet can be difficult. When we face this type of loss, we may search the Scriptures for comfort that we will be reunited with our lost animal. However, there is no passage of Scripture that directly states this.

What we do know about Heaven is that it will be a place of joy without any sorrow or regret. Scripture even says Jesus will wipe away every tear from our eyes (Revelation 21:4). This means there will be no looking back, as we will be so thrilled and fulfilled. We will not feel any lack.

We also read that all of creation will be redeemed, and it longs for this redemption (Romans 8:19). This certainly includes animals who are affected by sin, though in different ways. So, it stands to reason that animals will always be part of God’s plan. They were part of God’s original design (Genesis 1-2), and Isaiah 11:6-9 seems to communicate that there will be animals on the new Earth as well. If this is true, then perhaps our pets will be redeemed!

Regardless of how God’s redemption plan is manifested, we can be encouraged that we will be delighted with God’s vision for our future and not disappointed in the slightest.

Let’s Make It a Conversation!
1. Have you lost a pet? What do you believe about seeing him/her again?
2. Based on Revelation 21:4, what can we know about Heaven?
3. How does the original creation in Genesis 1 inform us concerning God’s view of animals?

Have more questions about Heaven and Hell? Check out:
101 Bible Questions - Book101 Bible Questions: And the Surprising Answers You May Not Hear in Church is now available on Amazon!

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