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What is the sin unto death? What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit?

Quick Answer: What is the sin unto death? What is the blasphemy of the Holy Spirit? Many have wondered whether a believer is capable of committing the “unforgivable sin” (Matthew 12:31-32) or the “sin unto death” (1 John 5:16). Both of these refer to unbelief in Jesus or rejection of the Gospel message. Therefore, these warnings are not for believers. We have already received the Gospel, and we are completely forgiven of all our sins (Hebrews 10:14). In addition, we possess eternal life and will never experience spiritual death (John 5:24).

Diving Deeper: In Matthew 12:31-32, Jesus references the act of blasphemy against the Holy Spirit – not recognizing the miraculous work of God’s Spirit. Jesus was addressing those who accused Him of doing the works of Satan. His point was that every sin imaginable could be forgiven by God, but if a person rejects the person and work of the Holy Spirit, they simply cannot find forgiveness anywhere else!

In 1 John 5:16, John refers to a “sin that leads to death.” Here, John doesn’t explicitly say the sin is not forgiven, but he says not to pray for someone who has committed it. What could this sin be? Consider this question: What is the only sin that leaves a person in spiritual death? The sin of unbelief in the Gospel. Can we pray someone into believing? Of course not.

Here, John is saying that, while we can pray for believers and God will “give life” to their situation, we simply cannot pray that God would give life to an unbeliever. In His love, God refuses to force Himself upon an unbeliever: He knocks at their door, but He won’t knock down the door (Revelation 3:20).

In summary, the unforgivable sin (blasphemy of the Spirit) is rejecting the person and work of Jesus Christ. Likewise, the “sin unto death” is unbelief in the Gospel. A believer cannot commit this sin, and we have already been completely forgiven of all sins for all time (Hebrews 8:12, 10:14).

Let’s Make it a Conversation!
1. Have you ever worried that you committed the unforgivable sin? What were the circumstances?
2. How does properly understanding the “sin unto death” and “blasphemy of the Spirit” reassure you?
3. React to this statement: The only unforgivable sin is rejecting the forgiveness found in Christ.


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