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Is homosexuality a sin?

Quick Answer: Is homosexuality a sin? God designed men and women to have intimate sexual relations with one another within the marital context (Genesis 1-2). After sin entered the world (Genesis 3), God’s original design was distorted. This distortion led to homosexual practices which are shown to be sin in Scripture (Genesis 19:1-11; Romans 1:26-27).

Diving Deeper: In the Old Testament, homosexuality is regarded as sin (Leviticus 18:22; 20:13). Likewise, the New Testament regards the act of homosexuality as not being of God’s design (Romans 1:26-27). In Romans 1, homosexuality is viewed as a consequence of abandoning God’s plan for sexuality (Romans 1:19, 26).

Some have tried to make the argument that these passages do not regard homosexuality as sinful, per se, but instead refer to distortions of homosexuality like rape. However, this does not make sense within the context of Romans 1, for example, which does not seem to be describing rape. Romans 1 clearly describes the abandonment of natural sexual relations for unnatural ones: men with men and women with women.

While we believers have often made homosexuality a hot-button issue, it is simply one fleshly identity among thousands. In fact, we see the Apostle Paul lists it alongside “disobedient to parents” (Romans 1:30). The point of Romans 1 is that we humans are all equally condemned and have no business judging each other. There are many flavors of unbelief, yet the answer is still the same – Jesus Christ. There is only one fulfilling identity, and it is found in belonging to Him.

Let’s Make It a Conversation!
1. Do you believe Christians have addressed the issue of homosexuality well? Why or why not?
2. Reaction to this statement: Homosexuality is exchanging the natural for the unnatural.
3. React to this statement: Homosexuality is listed alongside “disobedient to parents” in Romans 1.
4. In what ways is the “identity in Christ” message the answer to homosexuality?

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