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Do Christians need to keep the Sabbath?

Quick Answer: Do Christians need to keep the Sabbath? Some teach that Christians need to keep the Old Testament Sabbath which forbids physical work from Friday at sundown to Saturday evening. But Scripture teaches that the Sabbath was merely a shadow of the spiritual rest we enjoy in Christ (Hebrews 10:1). All who believe in Jesus enter a spiritual rest because of His finished work (Hebrews 4:3).

Diving Deeper: You’ve likely heard Christian teaching that encourages believers to keep the Sabbath (Friday at sundown to Saturday evening). But this is a misunderstanding of the purpose of the Sabbath.

Under the Law, Israel was required to set aside the seventh day of the week to rest from physical labor (Exodus 20:8-11). This rest was designed to reflect God’s rest after His creation of the universe (Genesis 2:1-3). However, like all of the Law, the Sabbath was ultimately a shadow of things to come. In this case, the Sabbath was a shadow of the spiritual rest which we enjoy in Christ (Hebrews 10:1). Christ is the reality (Colossians 2:17), the one to whom the Law pointed. Resting in Him is what it’s all about.

Hebrews 4:3 states that believers have entered God’s rest. What exactly is this rest? It’s a rest from our own works to earn salvation (Hebrews 4:10). It’s a confidence in Christ’s finished work for our salvation (Hebrews 4:14). Remember, believers are dead to the Law (Galatians 2:19; Romans 7:4). This includes the Sabbath. This is why the Apostle Paul encouraged believers in Colossae to not let anyone judge them for failing to keep a Sabbath day (Colossians 2:16).

In conclusion, believers do not need to keep the Old Testament Sabbath. This was a matter of the Law and was for external rest from daily work. Ultimately, the Sabbath was a shadow of the spiritual relaxation available to those who look to Jesus Christ and rest in His finished work.

Let’s Make It a Conversation!
1. Have you heard the false teaching that Christians need to keep the Old Testament Sabbath? How was this teaching presented to you?
2. How does knowing the overall purpose of the Law as a shadow of Christ help you better understand the Sabbath?
3. React to this statement: Believers do not need to enter into God’s rest. They already have!


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101 Bible Questions - Book101 Bible Questions: And the Surprising Answers You May Not Hear in Church is now available on Amazon!

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