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Can a person’s name be erased from the Book of Life?

Quick Answer: Can a person’s name be erased from the Book of Life? No. While some might hold the erroneous view that believers can be deleted from the Book of Life, the point of Revelation 3 is to assure us of the exact opposite: God will never blot us out!

Diving Deeper: Might a believer’s name be blotted out of the Book of Life? No, Revelation actually announces the opposite! Revelation 3:5 says, “I will never blot out the name of that person from the Book of Life but will acknowledge their name before my Father and His angels.

It’s a comforting verse in which Jesus Christ Himself assures us He will never remove us from the family. In fact, He even affirms that He’ll acknowledge us to the Father.

Some might argue that Jesus is only addressing those who are victorious and purport this only refers a select group of believers. But the big picture of the New Testament is that we are overcomers through Jesus (Revelation 12:11). We are more than conquerors through Him (Romans 8:37). And He is the one who is able to make us stand (Romans 14:4). Therefore, we can conclude that every believer belongs to the group that will never be removed from the Book of Life.

We can confidently thank God that we are secure forever!

Let’s Make It a Conversation!
1. Have you heard the false idea that a believer can be removed from the Book of Life?
2. Why do you think so many people are prone to read Revelation 3:5 with a “negative filter” assuming the worst?
3. How does your new identity as an “overcomer” through Jesus help you understand this challenging passage?
4. What does it mean to you personally to be secure with God?

Have more questions about losing your salvation? Check out:
101 Bible Questions - Book101 Bible Questions: And the Surprising Answers You May Not Hear in Church is now available on Amazon!

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